In this project, I focused on solving problems relating to systematic home maintenance - whether it be repairing your air filter every few months, cleaning the lint in the ducts of your dryer, or winterizing your sprinklers. My app, DwellWell, is an app to make the often-forgotten systematic home repairs easier to complete and remember, both reducing stress in a homeowner's life and saving them money.

After doing some background research, I completed a process called 'laddering'. In laddering, one makes a list of 6 'Why' bullet points and 6 'How' bullet points to get to the root of the purpose of the design.

Then, I began in-person data collection. I did this by visiting the homes of three homeowners in my city and getting an idea of what problems they might be encountering.

Then I took that information and started low-fidelity prototyping, hoping to find some ways to alleviate issues encountered by these users.

Lastly, it was time to create a physical prototype and poster. The below photo synthesizes the app and its function: